the only wise God

Epistle for December 24, 2023

Romans 16:25-27
Most versions of the Bible place Romans 14:24-26 at the end of Romans instead of at the end of chapter 14, and numbers these verses 16:25-27.  However, the World English Bible version (WEB) keeps these verses as chapter 14, verses 24-26. I use the WEB in my blog because it is in the Public Domain. So, if you click on the links above, it will take you to Romans 14:24-26 WEB.


This is the very lovely conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans.  It is a kind of benediction and hymn of praise to God. (Some ancient authorities place these verses at the end of Romans 14 as verses 24-26.  However, their placement at the conclusion of Paul’s letter seem more fitting to other ancient textual authorities.)

On the one hand this is a prayer of supplication for the church at Rome:

Now to him who is able to establish you…

Paul prays for the church to be kept in accordance with the Gospel he has laid out for them in the previous 16 chapters of the Letter to the Romans.

Paul makes it quite clear that the revelation of Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), though a mystery hidden in the past and now revealed, is nonetheless consistent with the witness of the Hebrew prophets.

His premise is that the inclusion of the Gentiles in the promises of God is part of the original plan.  It is not merely something that Paul has invented. As with the Jews, the Gentiles (translated here as nations) come to salvation in the same way:

according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret through long ages, but now is revealed, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, is made known for obedience of faith to all the nations.

This has been a central theme in Romans:

  • That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, both Jews and Gentiles.
  • That no one is saved by works of the law but through the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ.
  • And thus even Gentiles who believe are also children of Abraham by faith.

And he ends with a lovely ascription to God:

 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever! Amen.


Most of us who read these words from Paul are in the same boat as the Roman Christians.  We are most likely Gentiles.  We have no claim to be descendants of Abraham or Jacob by blood.  We have no rights or claims on God at all!

But the same prophets who spoke to the people of Israel have also guaranteed the promises of God to the “nations,” aka, the Gentiles. Us.

All of us come to salvation in the same way, whether we are Jews or Gentiles — by faith alone in Christ alone.

Note an important phrase in Paul’s letter:

…obedience of faith…

In other words, faith is not simply “easy believism” or a magic formula of believing a certain set of words.  Faith is grounded in an obedient relationship with God that results in a changed life, and has moral content.

Paul is no antinomian (one who believes that there is no validity to the law).  Rather, he understands that the law does not save us, Christ does.  And it is Christ who enables us through his grace to keep the law of love.  As he says in an epistle that lifts up many of the same themes found in Romans:

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision amounts to anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love. (Galatians 5:6).

The good news for all of us is that this mystery has been revealed through the prophets, and now all who believe can experience the joy and glory that comes through faith in Christ.


I have access to the same salvation that the Gentiles in the early church did, as revealed in the same prophetic writings to which they had access.  I claim this gift of salvation through faith in Christ, and pray that I may have that:

obedience of faith.

Our Lord, you have unveiled your mysteries so that we might understand the great promises you have made for all who believe.  Establish me and my family and my church in accordance with your Gospel, and give us the obedience that comes through faith.  Amen.  

Romans 16 verse 27” uses this image: “Saint Paul Writing His Epistles,” attributed to Valentin de Boulogne, is in the Public Domain.

Epistle for December 20, 2020

Romans 16:25-27

[Most versions of the Bible place Romans 14:24-26 at the end of Romans instead of at the end of chapter 14, and numbers these verses 16:25-27.  However, the World English Bible version (WEB) keeps these verses as chapter 14, verses 24-26. I use the WEB in my blog because it is in the Public Domain.]


This is the very lovely conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans.  It is a kind of benediction and hymn of praise to God. (Some ancient authorities place these verses at the end of Romans 14 as verses 24-26.  However, their placement at the conclusion of Paul’s letter seem more fitting to other ancient textual authorities.)

On the one hand this is a prayer of supplication for the church at Rome:

Now to him who is able to establish you….

Paul prays for the church to be kept in accordance with the Gospel he has laid out for them in the previous 16 chapters of the Letter to the Romans.

Paul makes it quite clear that the revelation of Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), though a mystery hidden in the past and now revealed, is nonetheless consistent with the witness of the Hebrew prophets.

His premise is that the inclusion of the Gentiles in the promises of God is part of the original plan.  It is not merely something that Paul has invented. As with the Jews,the Gentiles (translated here as nations) come to salvation in the same way:

according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret through long ages, but now is revealed, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, is made known for obedience of faith to all the nations.

This has been a central theme in Romans:

  • That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, both Jews and Gentiles.
  • That no one is saved by works of the law but through the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ.
  • And thus even Gentiles who believe are also children of Abraham by faith.

And he ends with a lovely ascription to God:

 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever! Amen.


Most of us who read these words from Paul are in the same boat as the Roman Christians.  We are most likely Gentiles.  We have no claim to be descendants of Abraham or Jacob by blood.  We have no rights or claims on God at all!

But the same prophets who spoke to the people of Israel have also guaranteed the promises of God to the “nations,” aka, the Gentiles.  Us.

All of us come to salvation in the same way, whether we are Jews or Gentiles — by faith alone in Christ alone.

Note an important phrase in Paul’s letter:

…obedience of faith…

In other words, faith is not simply “easy believism” or a magic formula of believing a certain set of words.  Faith is grounded in an obedient relationship with God that results in a changed life, and has moral content.

Paul is no antinomian (one who believes that there is no validity to the law).  Rather, he understands that the law does not save us, Christ does.  And it is Christ who enables us through his grace to keep the law of love.  As he says in an epistle that lifts up many of the same themes found in Romans:

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision amounts to anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love. (Galatians 5:6).

The good news for all of us is that this mystery has been revealed through the prophets, and now all who believe can experience the joy and glory that comes through faith in Christ.


I have access to the same salvation that the Gentiles in the early church did, as revealed in the same prophetic writings to which they had access.  I claim this gift of salvation through faith in Christ, and pray that I may have that:

obedience of faith.

Our Lord, you have unveiled your mysteries so that we might understand the great promises you have made for all who believe.  Establish me and my family and my church in accordance with your Gospel, and give us the obedience that comes through faith.  Amen.  

Saint Paul Writing His Epistles,” attributed to Valentin de Boulogne, is in the Public Domain.

Epistle for December 24, 2017

Romans 16:25-27

[Most versions of the Bible place Romans 14:24-26 at the end of Romans instead of at the end of chapter 14, and numbers these verses 16:25-27.  However, the World English Bible version (WEB) keeps these verses as chapter 14, verses 24-26. I use the WEB in my blog because it is in the Public Domain.]


This is the very lovely conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans.  It is a kind of benediction and hymn of praise to God. (Some ancient authorities place these verses at the end of Romans 14 as verses 24-26.  However, their placement at the conclusion of Paul’s letter seem more fitting to other ancient textual authorities.)

On the one hand this is a prayer of supplication for the church at Rome:

Now to him who is able to establish you….

Paul prays for the church to be kept in accordance with the Gospel he has laid out for them in the previous 16 chapters of the Letter to the Romans.

Paul makes it quite clear that the revelation of Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), though a mystery hidden in the past and now revealed, is nonetheless consistent with the witness of the Hebrew prophets.

His premise is that the inclusion of the Gentiles in the promises of God is part of the original plan.  It is not merely something that Paul has invented. As with the Jews,the Gentiles (translated here as nations) come to salvation in the same way:

according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret through long ages, but now is revealed, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, is made known for obedience of faith to all the nations.

This has been a central theme in Romans:

  • That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, both Jews and Gentiles.
  • That no one is saved by works of the law but through the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ.
  • And thus even Gentiles who believe are also children of Abraham by faith.

And he ends with a lovely ascription to God:

 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever! Amen.


Most of us who read these words from Paul are in the same boat as the Roman Christians.  We are most likely Gentiles.  We have no claim to be descendants of Abraham or Jacob by blood.  We have no rights or claims on God at all!

But the same prophets who spoke to the people of Israel have also guaranteed the promises of God to the “nations,” aka, the Gentiles.  Us.

All of us come to salvation in the same way, whether we are Jews or Gentiles – by faith alone in Christ alone.

Note an important phrase in Paul’s letter:

…obedience of faith….

In other words, faith is not simply “easy believism” or a magic formula of believing a certain set of words.  Faith is grounded in an obedient relationship with God that results in a changed life, and has moral content.

Paul is no antinomian – one who believes that there is no validity to the law.  Rather, he understands that the law does not save us, Christ does.  And it is Christ who enables us through his grace to keep the law of love.  As he says in an epistle that lifts up many of the same themes found in Romans:

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision amounts to anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love. (Galatians 5:6).

The good news for all of us is that this mystery has been revealed through the prophets, and now all who believe can experience the joy and glory that comes through faith in Christ.


I have access to the same salvation that the Gentiles in the early church did, as revealed in the same prophetic writings to which they had access.  I claim this gift of salvation through faith in Christ, and pray that I may have that:

obedience of faith.

Our Lord, you have unveiled your mysteries so that we might understand the great promises you have made for all who believe.  Establish me and my family and my church in accordance with your Gospel, and give us the obedience that comes through faith.  Amen.  

Saint Paul Writing His Epistles,” attributed to Valentin de Boulogne, is in the Public Domain.

Epistle for Dec. 21, 2014


Romans 16:25-27



This is the very lovely conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans.  It is a kind of benediction and hymn of praise to God.

On the one hand it is a prayer of supplication for the church at Rome: Now to him who is able to establish you.   Paul prays for the church to be kept in accordance with the Gospel he has laid out for them in the previous 16 chapters of the Letter to the Romans.

Paul makes it quite clear that the revelation of Jesus, though a mystery hidden in the past and now revealed, is nonetheless consistent with the witness of the Hebrew prophets.

His premise is that the inclusion of the Gentiles in the promises of God is part of the original plan.  It is not merely something that he has invented, but like the Jews all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith.

This has been a central theme in Romans: that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, both Jews and Gentiles. That no one is saved by works of the law but through the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ.  And thus even Gentiles who believe are also children of Abraham by faith.

And he ends with a lovely ascription to God: to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.


romans 16 26Most of us who read these words from Paul are in the same boat as the Roman Christians.  We are most likely Gentiles.  We have no claim to be descendants of Abraham or Jacob by blood.  We have not rights or claims on God at all!

But the same prophets who spoke to the people of Israel have also guaranteed the promises of God to the “nations,” aka, the Gentiles.  Us.

All of us come to salvation in the same way, whether we are Jews or Gentiles – by faith alone in Christ alone.

Note an important phrase in Paul’s letter: we come to the obedience that comes from faith.  In other words, faith is not simply “easy believism” or a magic formula of believing a certain set or words.  Faith is grounded in an obedient relationship with God that results in a changed life and has a moral content.

Paul is no antinomian – one who believes that there is no validity to the law.  Rather, he understands that the law does not save us, Christ does.  And it is Christ who enables us through his grace to keep the law of love.  As he says in an epistle that lifts up many of the same themes found in Romans, For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything; the only thing that counts is faith working through love (Galatians 5:6).

The good news for all of us is that this mystery has been revealed through the prophets, and now all who believe can experience the joy and glory that comes through faith in Christ.


romans 16 25I have access to the same salvation that the Gentiles in the early church did, as revealed in the same prophetic writings to which they had access.  I claim this gift of salvation through faith in Christ, and pray that I may have that obedience that comes from faith.

Our Lord, you have unveiled your mysteries so that we might understand the great promises you have made for all who believe.  Establish me and my family and my church in accordance with your Gospel, and give us the obedience that comes through faith.  Amen.