death of John the Baptist

Gospel for Feb. 22, 2015


“Baptism and Temptation of Christ” by Paolo Veronese is in Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, Italy.


Mark 1: 9-15



This excerpt illustrates the economy of Mark’s Gospel.  The baptism and affirmation of Jesus by the Father; the ordeal and temptation of Jesus; and the inauguration of his ministry along with the essentials of his message are all summarized in just a few verses.

The simplicity of Mark is one of the reasons that many scholars believe that it was written earlier than the others, on the theory that later retellings are usually elaborated upon over time.

The arc of this account leads from the heights of Jesus’ initiation into ministry through baptism, to the depths of his testing by Satan,  to his mission as he announces that “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near;  repent, and believe in the good news.”

God affirms his Sonship; Satan tests it; and Jesus confirms it in his ministry.



“The Temptation of Christ by the Devil” by Félix Joseph Barrias is in Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

This is a passage selected specifically for Lent, so we move quickly from the triumphant moment of affirmation in the baptism of Jesus to his temptation.

It is interesting that Mark says the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. This language implies that the ordeal in the wilderness for forty days is almost a kind of “boot camp” for Jesus, preparing him for the rigors of his ministry that await.

Although he has no human company in the wilderness, Jesus is never quite alone.  The Spirit has driven him; Satan tempts him; he is with the wild beasts; and finally, seemingly when the ordeal is completed, the angels wait on him.  The sense is that this is no ordinary man – he is in touch with supernatural as well as natural forces that surround him.

He also seems to begin his ministry as though on cue.  Mark suggests that Jesus doesn’t start his ministry in Galilee until after John is arrested.  A transition has been made.  A baton has been passed.  John has fulfilled his purpose in baptizing Jesus; now Jesus must inaugurate the kingdom of God.

And this is where Jesus begins to impact us: “The time is fulfilled – not merely the chronos, which in Greek is a  measure of  chronological time, but the kairos – the “decisive, critical moment.”   The kingdom of God has come near – the time is fulfilled because the reign of God has come near.  The reign of God is near because the King has arrived!  As a result of his presence, we are made aware of our need to respond:  repent, and believe in the good news.”



“Christ in the Desert” by Ivan Kramskoi is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

As Lent begins, I am made aware that in the baptism and the temptation of Jesus I find my awareness of sin and my hope for salvation.

Jesus’ baptism reminds me that despite his inherent nature as the Son of God, he identifies with me in my sin.  His holiness makes me aware of my unholiness and my need to repent.  And in his victory over temptation, he makes me aware of his power over sin.  Because his kingdom has drawn near, I can  believe in the good news!  Sin and Satan have already been defeated, at the very beginning of the story!

Lord, I do repent of my sin.  I thank you for suffering on my behalf, the righteous for the unrighteous.  Not only did you suffer on the cross on my behalf, but also in the battle with Satan in the wilderness and throughout your ministry. Your time has been fulfilled, your kingdom has drawn near, and I believe in your good news!  Amen.  


"Baptism and Temptation of Christ" by Paolo Veronese is in the public domain.
"The Temptation of Christ by the Devil" by Félix Joseph Barrias is in the public domain.
"Christ in the Desert" by Ivan Kramskoi is in the public domain.