Epistle for Jan. 4, 2015

aha ephesians 3START WITH SCRIPTURE:

Ephesians 3:1-12



Paul reveals the “mystery” that has been concealed throughout the history of Israel, and is now fully disclosed: that even the Gentiles have the opportunity to be included as heirs of salvation along with Israel.

There are some assumptions that are foundational for Paul.  He himself is a Jew, as he makes very clear all through the Epistles.  This means that he believes that the Hebrew scriptures (which we know as the Old Testament) are very definitely the word of God.  He believes that Israel is God’s covenant people. This is what he makes clear in Romans 9:4-5 Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises.  Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.

However, the mystery that he reveals in this passage is that the Gentiles, i.e., the “Nations” as they are called in the Old Testament, are also included in the plan of salvation.  Jesus Christ is the Messiah for the Jews, but he is also the Messiah for the Gentiles.  Gentiles are to be included for the sake of Christ, through faith.  And it is this faith that he has insisted all along is the means of entry into the promises of God.

The mystery has been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. We can presume that this is a two-fold revelation: the apostles are those who bear witness to Christ’s life, death and resurrection in Paul’s own time.  But the prophets likely refers to the Hebrew prophets whose texts have become the scripture also for the church.

Ultimately it is through the church that the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.  And it is in the church that Jews and Gentiles are members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.


ephesians 3.6We can easily overlook just how radical this claim is by Paul.  The self-consciousness of the Jews in his time is that they were the chosen people, they were the people of the covenant. Gentiles had no part in the relationship with God.

But to Paul, a Jew, a Pharisee, deeply devoted to the Law and the Prophets, has been disclosed the hidden truth: that God intended faithful Gentiles to be included in the covenant.

The clues were there all along in the Old Testament, but now they have been unveiled: God loves all the people of the world and wishes to save all who are willing.

For most of us this is good news indeed.  Most of us are Gentiles, with roots in pagan, polytheistic Europe; or animist Africa; or in the ancient ancestor worship of Asia. Our ancestors were far from God.

But salvation is from the One God who has made heaven and earth, who has revealed himself to the nation of Israel for one purpose: that they might be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus19:6).  What is the purpose of such a kingdom of priests? Isaiah 60:3, that we read earlier in these selections,  provides an answer:  And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

God’s election of the Patriarchs, his revelation of the Law, his promises revealed through the prophets, and even the discipline imposed on Israel in exile, led inevitably through their collective priesthood to the One High Priest who is also our King: Jesus Christ.  In him we all find our hope.

This is a reminder to us that God’s grace is available to all who will turn to him in faith, regardless of race or nationality or political differences.


most segregated hourThis mystery that has been revealed is still not completely fulfilled.  Blacks and whites seldom worship together in the American church.  Although some Jews have come to faith in Christ, there is still hostility between Jews and Gentiles because of centuries of persecution and anti-Semitism.  My response must be to proclaim that the mystery has been revealed – all are welcome in the church of Jesus Christ. I may approach God with freedom and confidence because of what Christ has done, and I am also called like Paul to proclaim this unveiled truth to all that will listen.

Lord, your mystery has been revealed.  Your desire is to reach all people with your love and grace through Jesus Christ. Help me to make Christ known, and to welcome all who will come in faith to follow him.  Amen.

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